The Role Of Strategic Planning On Organizational Performance In The Management Of Health Services Of Zawia City


  • د. ابراهيم بلقاسم بلحاج قسم ادارة الاعمال/ كلية الاقتصاد / جامعة الزاوية / ليبيا


Strategic Planning, Organizational Performance, Health services


This study aimed to identify the role of strategic planning on organizational performance in the management of health services of Zawia city. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, the study followed the descriptive analytical method, where the study used a questionnaire to collect data, the questionnaire have been distributed to (63) employees including managers, head of departments and a number of employees, and the collected questionnaire were (58), representing (92%). A valid statistical analysis form and analysis of the study data was used e-Computer and use a statistical program from the software package contained in SPSS and according to percentages, arithmetic means, and standard deviations, calculate Spearman correlation coefficient and simple linear regression analysis, the study have reached many results, the most important of these results are the level of strategic planning dimensions in the management of health Services was  a weak, while the level of organizational performance in the management of health services was a medium, and there is a positive correlation between the dimensions of strategic planning and the level of organizational performance in the management of health services


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How to Cite

د. ابراهيم بلقاسم بلحاج. (2023). The Role Of Strategic Planning On Organizational Performance In The Management Of Health Services Of Zawia City. Economic Studies Journal, 6(2), 1–31. Retrieved from