Images of the night in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry


  • Ibrahim Al-Siddiq ihryr محاضر بقسم اللغة العربية جامعة سرت
  • Muhammad Abu Shaala Saleh أستاذ مساعد بقسم اللغة العربية جامعة سرت


the night, Pre-Islamic poetry, Night and pride, Night of lovers, Night and worries


The issue that this paper attempts to shed light on is the problem of the image of the night among the Arab poet before Islam and how this image differed from one poet to another depending on the motives behind those issues, and the different psychological state of the poets that made them deal with the night in different ways depending on the psychological motivations. Intellectual and emotional among these poets. What are the motives What lies in the difference in that one stereotypical image of the night among writers in their literary and poetic production in particular, with the assumption that the psychological and emotional states of the issues with which the writer interacts are the reason behind that difference in the image of the night in the literary production of pre-Islamic poets about the night. The research problem stems from the question that says: What is the impact of psychological and environmental factors and motives and societal issues on the difference in the concept of night among Arab poets before Islam?


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How to Cite

ihryr, I. A.-S., & Saleh, M. A. S. (2024). Images of the night in pre-Islamic Arabic poetry. Albayan Scientific Journal, (18), 211–194. Retrieved from