Certain threats to endemic plants in the Green Mountain region


  • Farag M. El-Moghasabi Associate professor, Horticulture, Horticulture Department, Agriculture Faculty, University of Benghazi
  • Abdalla M. El-Alwany Prof. Dr., Plant Pathology Department, Agriculture Faculty, University of Benghazi
  • صلاح سعيد العماري Prof. Dr., Plant Pathology, Botany Derartment, Faculty of Science, University of Benghazi


Green Mountain, endemic plants, Pests and fungal diseases


Abstract: The forms of endemic plants were have been identified and analyzed, where the number of plant species in Libya is estimated at about 2092 plant species. The Green Mountain is considered the richest region in Libya in terms of its natural plants, occupied about 500 square kilometers, that it contains approximately 50% of the Libyan flora. Given the danger to which the vegetation in Libya is exposed, whether due to natural or human factors, this study aimed to identify the risks that threaten endemic plants, especially diseases and pests in the study area. 44 endemic plants were collected, belonging to 28 families and 41 genera. Gymnosperms were represented by two species, while angiosperms represented 42 species distributed over 26 families. Dicotyledonous plants represented 34 species distributed over 20 families and 32 genera, while monocotyledons contained 8 species distributed over 6 families and 7 genera. As for the pests and diseases that were described and identified on some endemic plants such as; Cyclamen, Arum, and the Arbutus, they were represented by leaf miners, the malicious worm, snail pests, mites, parasitic plants, and lichens. Fungal diseases were included; tuber rot, soft rot, and various causes of leaf spot. Some symptoms of non-parasitic diseases were also recorded.


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How to Cite

Farag M. El-Moghasabi, Abdalla M. El-Alwany, & العماري ص. س. (2024). Certain threats to endemic plants in the Green Mountain region. Albayan Scientific Journal, (18), 69–55. Retrieved from https://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/bayan/article/view/3015