Survey and classification of ornamental plants in nurseries of Benghazi city and their economic returns


  • Farag M. El-Mokasabi استاذ مشارك، قسم البساتين، كلية الزراعة، جامعة بنغازي، ليبيا
  • Ebtesam T. El-Garary محاضر، قسم البساتين، كلية الزراعة، جامعة بنغازي، ليبيا
  • Abdul Halim RajabIndoush محاضر، قسم البساتين، كلية الزراعة، جامعة بنغازي، ليبيا
  • fatimat muhamad abubakr موظفة بقطاع الزراعة، بنغازي


Ornamental plants, Ornamental nurseries, Gardens of the city of Benghazi


Ornamental nurseries have spread in Libya, especially in the city of Benghazi, and these nurseries have an excellent economic return. This study came to guide graduates of the College of Agriculture to invest in this field, which is known as the field of the nursery industry, and which many countries of the world depend on as an economic resource. To achieve this, the study aimed to inventory, collect, and define ornamental plants in the city of Benghazi in order to develop a database about the plant species that are grown in nurseries and also those brought to the city of Benghazi from outside the country in order to identify the appropriate plant species that are widespread in the city of Benghazi, as well as to estimate and know the monthly and annually economic return. In this study, a number of 186 plant species of ornamental plants were collected, which belong to 149 genus and 71 families. They belong to three groups, Peterideophytes with one family and two species, Gymnosperms with 4 families and 9 species, and Angiosperms represented by 66 families, divided into Dicotyledons which were represented by 155 species belonging to 60 families, while monocotyledons were represented by 20 species belonging to 6 families. The largest genera collected from the study area was the genus Pelargonium, which contained 5 species, and the largest family was the Fabaceae, which contained 14 species.


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How to Cite

Farag M. El-Mokasabi, Ebtesam T. El-Garary, Abdul Halim RajabIndoush, & fatimat muhamad abubakr. (2024). Survey and classification of ornamental plants in nurseries of Benghazi city and their economic returns. Albayan Scientific Journal, (18), 54–44. Retrieved from