The role of the National Center for Disease Control in environmental awareness and epidemic Floods in the city of Derna as an example
المركز الوطني, الوعي, فيضانات, درنة, البيئةAbstract
The topic of this research revolves around the important role of the National Center for Disease Control in increasing the environmental and health awareness of members of society. From this standpoint, the problem lies in the lack of awareness and lack of knowledge of the danger lies in epidemic diseases, and the speed of their outbreak and spread in the event of natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. The emergence of some infectious diseases and other epidemic outbreaks.
The research aims to identify the importance of environmental awareness among community members, learn about preventive measures for residents of the city of Derna following the floods, identify the epidemiological situation through reports of the National Center for Disease Control, and evaluate the management of the National Center for Disease Control and the monitoring and rapid response teams in the flood disaster in the Libyan city of Derna and the regions. adjacent to it.
The content analysis approach was used for reports, television interviews, and epidemiological bulletins issued by the National Center, and one of the most prominent results was that the National Center for Disease Control had an important and effective role in disease prevention, awareness, health education, treating disease cases, referring them to competent health facilities, and following up on them.
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