Effect of growth regulator Paclobutrazol (PBZ) on the growth of barley plant Hordeum Vulgare L in the Agricultural Ariel field during the agricultural season


  • Hanan M. Ali Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Sirte Libya
  • Gazala M. Alhdad Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Sirte Libya
  • Najat M. E Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Misurata Libya


Barley,, , Paclobutrazol,, Agricultural season.


This study was performed in the field during the agricultural season (November to April). In order to study the effect of three concentrations of the growth regulator Paclobutrazol on the Barley plant Hordeum vulgare L. Seeds of H. vulgare were obtained from the research center in Misratah, Libya. The treatments of (PBZ) used in this study were (10 ml / litre, 50 ml / litre, 100 ml / litre and control). The aim of this study is the effect of the growth regulator Paclobutrazol on the growth of Barley. It was found that the growth regulator of culter has an effect on barley plants.

   This effect is on the inhibition of Gibberllin (GA) biosynthesis that leads to less cell elongation and cell division, thereby making plants more compact, which may have a range of benefits in crop production. The growth regulator treatments lead to development of short stems within the barley cultivar. The treatment of (50 ml/l) has (120%) more branch number than control. width and thickness of barley leaves were increased under (50 ml/L) treatment.it was 1.7 times higher than in control. There was also increased in the yield quality of barley plants under the treatment of (50 ml/L)

Author Biographies

Hanan M. Ali, Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Sirte Libya

Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Sirte Libya

Gazala M. Alhdad, Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Sirte Libya

Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Sirte Libya

Najat M. E, Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Misurata Libya

Department of Plant, Faculty of Science, University of Misurata Libya


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How to Cite

Hanan M. Ali, Gazala M. Alhdad, & Najat M. E. (2023). Effect of growth regulator Paclobutrazol (PBZ) on the growth of barley plant Hordeum Vulgare L in the Agricultural Ariel field during the agricultural season. Albayan Scientific Journal, (2), 79–67. Retrieved from https://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/bayan/article/view/2459