The effect of adding potato peels (Solanum tuberosum( in diets of local squabs on the oxidation stability, immunity, and some blood serum enzymes


  • د. مجيد محمد جبريل الحاسي محاضر محاضر - كلية الزراعة – قسم الإنتاج الحيواني – جامعة عمر المختار
  • د. احمد عطية رافع المنصوري محاضر محاضر - كلية الزراعة – قسم الإنتاج الحيواني – جامعة عمر المختار


squabs, Antioxidants, Immunity, Potato peels


The study aimed to the evaluation the oxidative constantan immune response in blood serum in male squabs fed diets contained different levels of  potato peels. This study was conducted at the research unit,  Animal Production Department Faculty Of agriculture, University Of Omar Al-Mukhtar from 1st March to 15 April 2019.Fifteen  squabs, one-month age were used, divided into three equal groups. Potatoes peel were included, at 0, 10% or 20% in the diets for the three groups respectively. The results showed that the use of potato peels in the squabs male did not affect(P≥0.05) AST)16.65,17.08 and 16.28 unit / liter in control,10% and 20 %  respectively ) and ALT)13.30,12.90 and 12.38 unit /liter control ,10% and 20% respectively ) and ALK (98.35,97.88 and 97.60 unit/liter in control,10% and 20% respectively.The use of potato peels to improve the oxidation stability of the blood serum by cutting values of malondialdehyde (P≤0.05) ( 11.35 ,11.77 compared 13.20 micro mol /liter  and increase the total antioxidant capacity (0.57 ,0.75 compared 0.49 ml molar /liter comparing with control treatment. The effectiveness of Glutathione peroxidase enzyme has not been influenced. In response to immunization the focus of immune globulin IgG (P≤0.05) has increased with 10% potato peels compared with either control or 20%.

   The results indicate that potato peels in the squabs diets did improve immunity and did not cause any detrimental effect in liver but it caused some imbalances in kidney functions.



How to Cite

د. مجيد محمد جبريل الحاسي محاضر, & د. احمد عطية رافع المنصوري محاضر. (2023). The effect of adding potato peels (Solanum tuberosum( in diets of local squabs on the oxidation stability, immunity, and some blood serum enzymes. Albayan Scientific Journal, (6), 37–29. Retrieved from