طبيعة الاستجابة الانفعالية لدى المرأة الممارسة للرياضة


  • د. بن سماعيل رحيمة قسم علم النفس/ كلية الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية ليبيا


This study mainlyaims to shed light on the emotional life of woman in sport.and,inparticular, here motional response duringexercising sports activities in a formalshare of Physical Education and Sports university frame work.

Considering this woman a college student in this departmant, the studyfocuses on the analysis of the abviousdifferences in heremotionalresponse ;andthat of the non-enrolledcollegestudent in sports activities. And that wasoutlined by the currently usedtool; whichis:

- the scale of emotional response in sports designed by «Thomas Ttko», and arabized by «Mohamed Hassan Allawi and Mohamed Larbi Shimon»- in order to arrive at:

  • Detection of the most importante motional distinctive features of women in sport (sample of Physical Education and Sports Department students). This wasdone on the basis of commonfeaturesidentified by the scale of: the desire/determination/sensitivity/stress management /trust/personal responsibility/self- control.
  • Knowledge of the differences in terms of the emotional response of the student exercising sports and the non-enrolled one in Physical Education and Sports Department.



How to Cite

د. بن سماعيل رحيمة. (2023). طبيعة الاستجابة الانفعالية لدى المرأة الممارسة للرياضة . Albayan Scientific Journal, (5), 50–41. Retrieved from https://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/bayan/article/view/2367