عن السياق اللغوي الدلالي وأثره في توظيف دلالة اللفظة العربية دراسة وصفية تطبيقية تحليلية في السنة النبوية
The semantically context in the sonna Al-Nabaweeah .
The research aims at highlighting the linguistically value of semantically context with regard to shutting alight on it . And the detection of its relation with semantic that comes through the study of the impact of the context in the meaning function and performance in the Arabic utterance word , because the can’t reveals its meaning when it stands alone .
The research has also confirms that the word meaning can be explisited and cleaved only when related with other words in the linguistically context .
The research consists of the followings:
- first point : The definition and the concert of semantical context and its performance .
- Second point : the sections of semantically context .
- Third point : The semantically context in the sonna Al Nabaweeah .
As well as the research has includes conclusion which contains findings and solusion and recommendations .