Hydroponics (Hydroponics revolution) Review


  • Abdullah. k. Mohammad University of Mosul, Iraq


hydroponics,, agricultural crops,, traditional agriculture .


With the increase in the population around the world and the increase in the rate of desertification and the loss of large areas of arable soil, the problem of food shortages, the most important of which is agricultural crops, has surfaced. In some areas, we find that the soil has become unsuitable for agricultural production or there is not enough space for agriculture. Resorting to hydroponics as one of the solutions that faced traditional agriculture (which is represented in the lack of water in some areas and the lack of sufficient agricultural areas) which is done by using nutrient solutions for plant growth and germination without resorting to regular soils and producing a large amount of crops more than traditional agriculture. Because of the importance of this topic, we have highlighted in this field some aspects of  hydroponics.

Author Biography

Abdullah. k. Mohammad, University of Mosul, Iraq

College of Agriculture and Forestry / University of Mosul, Iraq



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How to Cite

Abdullah. k. Mohammad. (2023). Hydroponics (Hydroponics revolution) Review. Albayan Scientific Journal, (11), 162–155. Retrieved from https://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/bayan/article/view/2136