الصناعة المنزلية كمشروع حياة واستقرار أُسري دراسة "ميدانية على المرأة في المهن المنزلية بمدينة اجدابيا"
Cottage industry is considered one of the most important matters of interest to the family in Libyan society, as it provides a stable financial income during the economic crisis that the families endure.
The research problem revolves around benefiting from small and cottage industriesin reducing the problem of non-utilization of women in the workforce, and providing a stable income for heras well as benefiting from the unemployed.
The research also shades the light upon the identifying the most important obstacles to women's work in cottage industries, which contribute to the developmentof the national economy based on cottage industries, small and micro projects
The study has started from the following hypothesis:
There is a relationship between small projects, the economic returns, the nature of women's work, financing obstacles and influencing factorson women's work.
As a result, the study has come to a conclusion that small and cottageindustries reduce the unemployment rate for women. Since, it has a positive role on the economic and local return, and contributes to determining the nature of women's work.Also, it highlighted the importance of these projects to the national economy and the possibility of developing it to serve both women and society.