دراسة التأثير التثبيطي لأوراق نبات كف مريم Vitex agnus-castus على بعض الأنواع الفطرية والبكتيرية الممرضة
Vitex agnus-castus, leaf extracts, extraction times, ANOVA analysis, , inhibition zonesAbstract
In the laboratory, the effect of the extracts of the leaves of the palm of Mary plant was studied on five bacterial species:( L. monocytogenes, S. auraus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. paratyphi) and five fungal species:( A. nigar and V. albuatrum. , C. indicum, M. canis, T. equinum) upon extraction during time intervals (24,48,72) hours using acetone and methanol solvents, and the diameters of the inhibition zones ranged between (0-28 mm), the study concluded that when treating the fungi With plant leaves extracted with methanol, the effect was strong, while the effect was weak when using acetone, and the time of the first extraction was the most effective, and by testing the plant extracts on bacteria, the acetone solvent outperformed methanol in terms of effect, and the time of the second extraction was the strongest, and the study recommended conducting extensive experiments. On the plant of the palm of Mary in modern ways and more microbes.