An exploratory study to find out the percentage of vitamin D deficiency among pregnant women in the Wadi Al-Shati region


  • وداد الفيتوري عبد الله قسم تغذية وصحة مجتمع، كلية علوم الأغذية، جامعة وادي الشاطئ
  • سلطانه بانتين قسم تغذية وصحة مجتمع، كلية علوم الأغذية، جامعة وادي الشاطئ


Vitamin D, Ladys Pregnancy, Calcium, Osteoporosis, Health problems


Through this exploratory study to find out the extent of vitamin D deficiency among pregnant women (130 Lady in pregnancy) in some areas of Brak Al-Shati, the average age of the female respondents was found to be 29.96%,average weight 71.56%.  The results showed that the academic level was the highest at the university level, 55.38%, Women who do not have a monthly income 53.84%, The results showed that the women knew the importance of vitamin (D) by 58.46%, the results also showed that the incidence of deficiency symptoms during pregnancy was 56.92%. The percentage of women who took medications to raise vitamin D was 51.53%,the percentage of pregnant women's exposure to sunlight for a sufficient period was 48.46%,while, the percentage of those who used powders or sunscreen while exposed to the sun was 11.53%,the percentage of those for whom vitamin D deficiency caused problems on the health of the fetus or caused you an early miscarriage was 7.69%, also, the percentage of conducting medical tests to measure vitamin D or calcium without referring to the doctor was 38.46%.The results showed that the highest percentage of women with more than three children was 41.53%, the percentage of pregnant women who eat dairy  and its derivatives and foods rich in calcium 81.53%, the answer was about the health status of pregnant women who feel nauseous or allergic  of some types of food during pregnancy 38.46%, the survey showed that the percentage of women who have pain in the joints, bones and teeth is 73.07%, the proportion of pregnant women had chronic diseases or accompanied by pregnancy 11.53%.



How to Cite

وداد الفيتوري عبد الله, & سلطانه بانتين. (2023). An exploratory study to find out the percentage of vitamin D deficiency among pregnant women in the Wadi Al-Shati region. Albayan Scientific Journal, (14), 91–81. Retrieved from