دراسة قياسية لإنتاج واستهلاك الشعير في ليبيا خلال فترة (1990_2012)
إنتاج الشعير, المساحة المزروعة, الاستهلاك القومى من الشعير, الاستهلاك اليومي من الشعيرAbstract
The barley crop is considered one of the most important grain crops grown in Libya, and they are considered among the traditional crops that have been associated with the life of farms in Libya since ancient times, and the barley crop is used as flour in the Libyan diet, especially in the western region, and some uses for it in the rest of Libya in the form of a loaf of bread Its consumption has become remarkable and it is also healthy to avoid many diseases, such as diabetes, for example. In addition, it is used in larger quantities in the composition of concentrated feed for animals or consumed directly by the animal, and it is also used from the harvest residues to feed the animal, which is the main and only source of animal protein for humans.
Delegation The annual consumption of barley amounted to about 197.9 thousand tons in 2012, while the amount imported amounted to about 101.4 thousand tons in 2012, to meet the requirements of the local market. This indicates an imbalance in the productive relationship of this crop.
Which resulted in the problem of food deficit as a result of the increase in the domestic product, whose effects were reflected in the form of a continuous increase in the quantities of it to fill the deficit in this, and then the rise in the value of the incoming import bill and the incoming and outgoing imports