Editor Director
Prof Abdalla M Elahwel
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
It is MY pleasure to present the first issue of the JOURNAL OF SIRTE MEDICAL SCIENCES, JSMS, to our audience. A lot of credit goes to our Editors, Reviewers, and Authors. The journal serves to provide a medium for communicating wealthy novel findings to all in the field of Medicine, dental sciences and health sciences.
The aim of JSMS is to inter-connect all aspects of Medicine; this issue covers a wide range of fields from CLINICAL MEDICINE TO BASIC SCIENCES.
We welcome all contributions provided the editors follow JSMS guidelines published in this article, and be sure that every article will take proper attention.
We encourage your criticism and suggestions. Our aim is to keep you updated and contribute to advanced medical educations.
Finally, we hope that all those who read this issue will find it a stimulating and informative.
Prof. Abdulla M, elahwel
Editor Director's