Herbicide Resistant Weeds; Incidences, Management, and the Impact on Alfalfa Agroecosystem: A review


  • Hosam Ali Aldhawi Ashokri Biology Department, Faculty of Science, El-Mergib University, Al-Khums, Libya

الكلمات المفتاحية:

Alfalfa,، herbicide-resistant,، incidences,، management.


This review aims to shed the light on the economic role of alfalfa cultivars as alfalfa is considered the most important perennial forage legume in animal husbandry as well as the impact of herbicide-resistant weeds on alfalfa agro-ecosystem. Furthermore, some aspects of the herbicide-resistant history, incidences, cases in both developing and developed countries, and the most effective herbicide resistance management approach to applying.

السيرة الشخصية للمؤلف

Hosam Ali Aldhawi Ashokri، Biology Department, Faculty of Science, El-Mergib University, Al-Khums, Libya

Biology Department, Faculty of Science, El-Mergib University, Al-Khums, Libya



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كيفية الاقتباس

Hosam Ali Aldhawi Ashokri. (2023). Herbicide Resistant Weeds; Incidences, Management, and the Impact on Alfalfa Agroecosystem: A review. مجلة البيان العلمية, (9), 746–741. استرجع في من http://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/bayan/article/view/2330