Modeling the Minimum Temperature Change of Hun Station for the Period 1961-2099 Using SDSM Technology


  • Alajiliyah Basheer Ahmed Basheer Assistant Professor/Department of Geography/College of of Education/University of Zawia



Climate change, Minimum temperature, Climate scenarios, Statistical Minimization Model (SDSM).


The research aims to predict the difference and percentage of change in the minimum temperature for the period (2011-2099) based on the daily minimum temperature data observed at the Hun station for the base period (1961-1990 AD) using the Statistical Downscaling Madel (SDSM) technique according to the climate change scenarios (B2a) (A2a), which are scenarios approved by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in a report known as SRES for the year 2000 AD to make climate and environmental forecasts. The data were divided into three projected periods (2011-2040 AD) (2041-2070 AD) (2071-2099 AD).

The results of the study showed that there is a variation in the difference and percentage of change in the minimum temperature during the modeling periods (2011-2099 AD) from one month to another, from one period to another, and from one scenario to another with respect to the base period.


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How to Cite

Basheer, A. B. A. (2025). Modeling the Minimum Temperature Change of Hun Station for the Period 1961-2099 Using SDSM Technology. Libya Journal of Geographical Studies, 5(1), 216–197.