International Journal of Engineering Research <p>The International Journal of Engineering Research is a new journal that provides solutions of faculty members to publish their research through a scientific platform concerned with scientific research and issuing their research in modern ways.</p> ar-IQ (Miss Sana Ibrahim) (Mahmoud Albarq) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Developing an Empirical Correlation between DCPT Test Results and Relative Compaction for Sandy soils <p>The dynamic cone penetrometer (DCPT) is a simple portable in-situ testing instrument. It is usually used to measure the resistance of cohesionless granular soil. An attempt has been made to find a correlation between the DCPT results and the in-situ dry density for local Tripoli sand. Laboratory and fieldwork were carried out to investigate the relationship between the dry and wet densities and DCPT blow count (N<sub>10</sub>, Blows/100). In this study, the relationships between laboratory N<sub>10</sub> and dry density were developed and verified. The work was conducted in two stages; in the first stage the samples were tested normally, while in the second stage the tests were conducted using surcharge load discs. Due to the lack of confinement at shallow depths, surcharge load disc was used on soil sample surface to evaluate the effect of the unconfinement on the results of the DCPT at the shallow depth (i.e. 250 mm to 300 mm). The test results in the first stage showed a good impression for the dry density of sandy soil (SP-SM) at depths greater than 250 mm. As results, the aid of the surcharge discs showed better trends.&nbsp; The validity of the proposed correlations was verified using test results on soils at new sites. The obtained results gave a more representative and reliable correlation. Measured densities versus estimated ones were plotted, shown the ability of the proposed correlation in estimating dry density from DCPT at proposed site. The proposed correlations are useful tools to help engineers in the practice to use in geotechnical investigation and to assess the dry density of soils.</p> fauzi Jarushi، Abdelghani A. Asalai، Hadi Z. Tumi الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Research Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Field proving of a liquid displacement meter using Bi-directional Pipe Provers in Custody Transfer applications; case study of Libyan Zueitina Oil Port <p>In this paper, a field study is conducted on proving a positive displacement meter with bi-directional pipe provers to determine the repeatability of the meter's generated pulses and the deviation of the Meter Factor percentage during the Meter Proving process at Zueitina Oil Port in Libya. Equipment, procedures, requirements, national and international standards, and precautions that will ensure accurate metering of fluids were considered.</p> Essa Shawail، Magdi Buaisha الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Research Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluating Geotechnical Engineering Properties of Sandy soil using Granulate Waste Tires <p>Used tires and scrap materials is environmental issue, cause and contribute to economic difficulties. It was necessary to find a safe ways to reduce the harm. This study was to investigate the impact of granulate waste tires as additive on the mechanical properties of silty sand soils through laboratory tests. Different percentages of granulate waste tires mixed added in 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by a dry weight and the change in index properties were examined. It was noticed that there was a decrease in specific gravity from 2.57 to 2.04 at 20% whereas the California Bearing Ratio values of soaked and unsoaked condition decreased from 27% to 12% and from 37% to 10%, respectively as the granulate waste tires increased to 20%. Direct shear test results indicated that adding of granulate waste tires increased friction angle from 30.34<sup>o</sup> at 5% to 36.3<sup>o</sup> at 20% and reduced the cohesion values from 2.94 kPa to 0 kPa at 0% and 20%, respectively. Modified Proctor and vibrating compaction tests reveal that a little reduction in the maximum dry density as the waste tires increased by limiting the content of up to 20%. It is recommended to use the materials in construction projects such as low traffic road, car parking, and lightweight fill material behind retaining wall, reduces its impact on environment disposal of this hazardous harm waste material.</p> fauzi Jarushi، Abdullah Talibullah الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Research Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Project Management Planning to Increase Company Resource Efficiency and Effectiveness in Indonesia <p>This study aims to develop global project management activities in the form of Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and create project scheduling with Activity On Arrow (AOA) diagrams and barchart/gannt chart. So that with the preparation of the right WBS and AOA, the success of project management planning will be achieved. This research was conducted using a method starting from the findings of the problem, determining the research objectives, collecting and processing data, to the conclusion. The steps taken include: Perform (WBS) of project activities and create a sequence of project activities, so that they can be analyzed with (AOA), and barcharts. the following conclusions showed that Activity On Arrow takes 23 days to determine the HR requirements needed in the preparation of project management plans, while Barchart takes 23 days to determine the HR needed in the preparation of project management plans.</p> Almahadi Abdeljalil ، Faraj Abdeljalil الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Research Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Predicting the strength of a plastic waste reinforced clay-sand soil mixture using BPNN approach <p>The study aimed to improve soil engineering properties by incorporating waste plastic bottle strips into the soil to enhance its strength. Plastic sheets of varying sizes an percentage were used, and a Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) was employed to predict unconfined compressive force. The model accuracy was confirmed by calculating mean absolute errors (MAE) of 0.00336, 0.0491, 0.0344, and 0.0461, indicating its reliability.</p> Salih Alsadaie، Thikra K. Abdullah، Sundus S. Omar الحقوق الفكرية (c) 2024 International Journal of Engineering Research Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0000