Career Path Planning and Its impact on Continuous Commitment: Afield study on the investment Complex for Building Materials in Missurata


  • د. مختار مفتاح أبوصاع كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية، جامعة الزيتونة - ليبيا 
  • أ. محمد عبد الفتاح قدح الأكاديمية الليبية فرع مصراته- ليبيا


career path planning,, the continuous commitment,, employees


The paper aims to identify the impact of career path planning in the continuous commitment of employees in organizations in general and in the company of the investment complex for the construction materials in Misurata in particular. The study adopted the descriptive approach to suits the nature of research problem and its objectives. The data were collected using the comprehensive survey method and the population was all national employment within the complex of managers, heads of departments and normal employees. The number of distributed questionnaires were (234) according to the last statistic and were analyzed by using the statistical packages of social sciences (spss).

   The most important findings of the study that the complex suffers from weakness in the career path planning, and this weakness was apparent in the failure of the management of the complex in the process of matching the skills and experience of workers with the jobs they doing, as well as the vagueness faced by workers in the knowledge of opportunities for advancement available to them. In addition to that neglect of the management of the complex to involve employees in their career path planning. The study also found that the majority of workers feel a very high continuous commitment towards the complex, meaning that they will prepare to leave if they have a job opportunity in another organization.

   The study concluded with a number of recommendations, the most important of which is the formation of a specialized committee of experts to review and develop career plans followed by the complex, organize seminars, conferences and workshops to guide employees and inform them about the available opportunities for their advancement, and involve employees in developing their career path and with taking into consideration their suggestions towards that.    Finally, the company should determine clear criteria for what is required of the employee to ensure his gradient in the functional ladder.

Author Biographies

د. مختار مفتاح أبوصاع, كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية، جامعة الزيتونة - ليبيا 

أستاذ مشارك، كلية الاقتصاد والعلوم السياسية، جامعة الزيتونة - ليبيا                               

أ. محمد عبد الفتاح قدح, الأكاديمية الليبية فرع مصراته- ليبيا

الأكاديمية الليبية فرع مصراته- ليبيا


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How to Cite

د. مختار مفتاح أبوصاع, & أ. محمد عبد الفتاح قدح. (2023). Career Path Planning and Its impact on Continuous Commitment: Afield study on the investment Complex for Building Materials in Missurata. Albayan Scientific Journal, (1), 318. Retrieved from