Nitrogen use efficiency and its components in barley during methods and time of application


  • أ.د.طيب فرج حسين أستاذ - قسم المحاصيل -كلية الزراعة - جامعة عمر المختار – البيضاء.
  • أ.جميلة سعد محمد محاضر مساعد - قسم المحاصيل - كلية الزراعة - جامعة عمر المختار – البيضاء.
  • د. ذهب خليفة محمد محاضر - قسم المحاصيل - كلية الزراعة - جامعة عمر المختار– البيضاء.


Nitrogen use efficiency in barley crop


Optimal management of nitrogen within high use efficiency (WUE) was an important role to increase crop yield and quality at different agriculture systems . Two field experlments were conducted at EL- Wasiatta in EL- gabal AL-Akhadear to investigate behavior of common barley ( C.V. Riahan) at different methods and time of 115 kg ha-1 in the form of ammonium sulfate 21% placement (broad casting ; be low the lines , between the lines , besides ½ the rate bellow lines + ½ the rate between the lines during sowing ; tille ring and½ at sowing +½ at tille ring time comparing by  un fertilization in the growing seasons (2016 – 2017 ) and (2017 – 2018) to determinate NUE components : Nitrogen up take efficiency (NUPE); nitrogen utilized in grains formation efficiency (NUTW) ; nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE) ; Agronomy efficiency (AE) and nitrogen harvest index (NHI) . The results showed superior significant (P<0.01) in crop yield due to methods of placement , the greatest 88& 91 gm-2 because mixed ½ rate below the lines and the other between lines in both seasons beside superior significantly (P<0.01) in grain nitrogen content (Ng) and whole plant nitrogen content ( NT , AE , NUPE , NUTE and by the same placement Similarly a significantly superior (P<0.05) in these traits due to mixed method of placement regarding to NUE ; NRE and NHI in both the two seasons . A significantly superior (P<0.05) in crop yield  go and 89 gm-2  at fertilization in sowing time and similar trend in NT , AE , NUPE and  NUTE only in both seasons and not significantly difference was recorded in NG ; NUE ; NHI and NRE because time of fertilization in both the two  seasons .In conclusion , mixed fertilization below lines and between lines at sowing time gave the greatest crop yield and quality of  barley under EL- Wasiatta conditions .



How to Cite

أ.د.طيب فرج حسين, أ.جميلة سعد محمد, & د. ذهب خليفة محمد. (2023). Nitrogen use efficiency and its components in barley during methods and time of application . Albayan Scientific Journal, (3), 189–179. Retrieved from