Grain yield and it’s components of some bread and hard wheat cultivars under dryland and supplemental irrigation at Massa El-jabal Al-Akhdar Libya conditions.
Bread and hard wheat cultivars., Supplemental irrigation and dry farming.Abstract
Tow field experiments were conducted at Massa region situated 21°,39´ N, 32°,42´ E and 490m over sea to investigate yield and it’ components of the cultivars (Bjy, Slambo80, Kassi, Kofra1, Kofra2, Vee, Icssad901, Giza168, Binswaf1, Kareem, Marjawee and Sakha69) to dryfarming and supplemental irrigation at needs during the sucssive seasons 2013/2014 and 2014/2015.
Seeding in lines 15cm apart by rate of 100kg ha-1 in 1st December and fertilization by DAP 18:46 by 250 kg ha-1. Experiments layout in strip plots by 4 replacecats farming system in the strip and cultivars in subplot with an area 9m2 .
Results revealed that significant (P<0.01) increase due to supplemental irrigation in plant height 81.88 & 86.62 cm ;biological yield 6.47, 6.44 tha-1; grain yield 2.71, 2.72 tha-1; straw yield 3.75,3.71 tha-1; 1000 grains weight 35.69, 27.03g, with protein content 13.46, 13.50% and unaffected of harvest index in 1st and 2nd season, respectively. Cultivars showed that sporadic significant (P<0.01) differences that, slamboo80 in the height of plant 91.83, 89.80cm ;Kofra2, Kareem in biological yield 6.47,6.56 tha-1; Kassi, Kofra2 in grains yield 2.86, 2.89 tha-1; Sakha69 , Marjawii in straw yield 3.83, 3.83 tha-1 , Kassi, Kofra1, in HI 44.53, 45.99% ; kofra2 , Marjawii in 1000 grains wt 40.01, 40.18g and Slamboo80 in % of protein contents 16.3, 16.23% comparing to the least Marjawii, Bjy in plant hight ;Bjy in biological yield 5.44, 5.70 tha-1 ; Icssad901, Vee in grain yield 2.42, 2.40 tha-1 ;Bjy, Kofra1 in straw yield 3.26, 3.29 tha-1 ;Vee in HI 38.98, 38.63% , Bjy, Slamboo80 in 1000 grain wt 29.16, 26.50g and Binswaf1 in % of protin 10.30, 10.39% in both 1st and 2nd season respectively.
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