Evaluation of some wheat genotype under different irrigation treatments for drought tolerance indices at Massaa El-Jabal Al-Akhdar conditions.


  • طيب فرج حسين قسم المحاصيل – كلية الزراعة - جامعة عمرالمختار
  • أمال جمعة مفتاح قطاع الزراعة بنغازي


Wheat genotypes, drought tolerance indices


Two feld experiments counducted during the sucssive seasons   2013-2014 and 2014-2015, at Massaa located 21° 39´ N ;32°40`E and 490m over sea to evaluate wheat genotypes ( Bjy, Kassi, Kofra1, Kofra2, Vee, Slamboo-80, Icssad901, Giza168, Benswaf-1, Kareem, Sakha69, and Marjawii) for drought tolerance indices (TOL, STI, SSI, YI, HAM, SDI, DRI, RDI and YSI) when supplementary and rainfed irrigation.

The experiment designed in strip plots with 4 replecates, the irrigation treatments in the strips and genotypes in subplots with 9m2area.Resultes showed that significant difference (P<0.01) for all indices except (P<0.05) incase of YSI.

Greatest TOL 0.48, 0.3 in the genotypes Marjawii& Kofra2 comparing to least 0.11, 0.005 from Sakha69 &Vee genotypes, Largest STI 20.92 & 17.78 due to Kassi& Kofra2, while the smallest 15.05 & 14.02 due to Icssad901 &Vee, biggest SSI 0.42 & 0.02 in Sakha69 &Veecompring to least 1.72, 2.09 in Marjawii& Kareem genotypes.

YI showed that the greatest 4.26 & 4.23 incase ofKofr a1 genotype comparing to the least 3.67 & 3.79 from Bjygenotype.Similar in HAM, the biggest 3.43 & 3.45 tha-1 due to Kassi& Kofra2, while smallest 2.91& 2.89 tha-1 in Icssad901 &Vee genotypes.

The least SDI 0.14 & 0.15 in Marjawii& Kareem and the greatest 0.04 & 0.001 in Sakha69 &Vee genotypes. Least DRI 3.23 & 3.24 were in Kareem &Bjy meanwhile, greatest affect 4.04 & 4.32 were in Kofra1 &Vee genotypes. Smallest RDI that little affecting0.92 & 0.91 were in marjawii&kareem , while largest affact 1.03 & 1.08 were in Sakha69 &Vee. Stability index(SI) of yield the least one 0.96 & 1.00 from Sakha69 &Vee comparing to the greatest one 0.86 & 0.85 in Marjawii& Kareem genotypes in both 1st & 2nd season, respectively.



How to Cite

طيب فرج حسين, & أمال جمعة مفتاح. (2023). Evaluation of some wheat genotype under different irrigation treatments for drought tolerance indices at Massaa El-Jabal Al-Akhdar conditions. Albayan Scientific Journal, (5), 30–21. Retrieved from https://journal.su.edu.ly/index.php/bayan/article/view/2364