Spatial Analysis of The Pattern of Mosques in The City of Tobruk Using Geographical


  • د / عبد العزيز عبد الكريم بوحليقة. استاذ مساعد في قسم الجغرافيا ورئيس جامعة طبرق سابقا
  • نضال عمر مازق طالب دراسات عليا/ قسم الجغرافيا جامعة عمر المختار


GIS, Mosques, Nearest Neighbor, Mean center, Buffer of servise, Central feature, standard distance, direction of Spread Distribuation


This paper study the evaluation of current status of the spatial distribution pattern of mosques in the city of Tobruk using the technology of geographic information systems.  The quantitative methods, the historical approach and cartographic representation were used to analyze the data, starting from data collection and entry to the computer and processing it using (ARC Gis 10.2 program). The source of data were collected by two ways, first was from the information available at the General Authority of Endowments and second was from the complete field survey.       The conclusion from the results obtained in this work that the most notably the distribution of the divergent pattern of mosques in the city of Tobruk as a result of the randomness of choosing their places and the direction of their distribution was found an east-west direction to some extent, it is consistent with the general extension of the buildings of the study area, in addition to the overlapping between parts in some areas and some areas of did not receive the governmental services. Finally the distribution of mosques according to the standard distance inside the city of Tobruk was unacceptable.



How to Cite

د / عبد العزيز عبد الكريم بوحليقة., & نضال عمر مازق. (2023). Spatial Analysis of The Pattern of Mosques in The City of Tobruk Using Geographical . Albayan Scientific Journal, (7), 176–158. Retrieved from