The Error Calculations between the Original Image and the Restored Image Using the Computer Simulated Peaks as an Object and a Pyramidal Shaped Tip by the Blind Tip Estimation Algorithm.
AFM; dilation;, erosion;, blind estimation;, image restoration.Abstract
Images produced by AFM are distorted due to the dilation of AFM tip with the features of sample. To overcome this problem it is necessary to estimate the tip geometry in order to reduce such distortions and reconstruct specimen surface. Even though tip characterization can be achieved by various approaches, blind tip reconstruction is uniquely important since it estimates the tip using the AFM image of an unknown sample geometry (therefore its name). Here we present two types of results for estimating the AFM tip shape and for sample surface reconstruction, namely via computer simulation results and by actual experimental results. In both approaches, a dilation has been used for imaging, an iterative process employing the equation of the blind tip reconstruction algorithm has been used for the tip estimation process, and an erosion procedure has been used for surface reconstruction.
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