The effect of treatments to prevent coagulation of the milky substance at the base of the inflorescence, the perfusion, the preservation of the inflorescences in a vase on the life of the cut dahlia inflorescences and the loss in their fresh weight


  • أ. فاتـــــن محمــــد علــــــي أبوبكــــــر قسم:البستنة، الكلية، الزراعة،الجامعة، جامعة عمر المختار، ليبيا.
  • أ. منيرة رزق محمد عبد الله القسم:تقنية الأنتاج النباتي، المعهد العالي للتقنيات الزراعيه،العويليه، المرج، ليبيا
  • د. فيروز علي ابوبكر بوعجيله القسم:البستنة. الكلية: الزراعة الجامعة: جامعة عمر المختار، ليبيا


أزهار القطف, كحول الايثانول, التداول


A laboratory experiment was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Horticulture at the Faculty of Agriculture in Al-Bayda - Omar Al-Mukhtar University for two agricultural seasons, with the aim of prolonging the life of the plucked dahlia inflorescences) Dahlia hybrid(, "Lady Tweedsmuir" variety, while maintaining their quality. The experiment included 48 treatments, represented by three treatments to prevent the milky substance from clotting at the base of the inflorescences, four treatments for pulsation, and four treatments for preserving the inflorescences in the vase. The treatment of dipping the bases of the inflorescences in ethanol alcohol (95%) significantly extended the life of the dahlia inflorescences compared to the control other treatments. Dipping the bases of the inflorescences in STS or 8-HQS solutions was associated with a significant prolongation in the life of the inflorescences in the vase with no significant difference in the second season, compared to the treatment of GA and the control, which did not differ significantly in their effect on the life of the inflorescences in the vase. Finally, all preservation solutions led to a significant increase in the age of the inflorescences in the flower compared to the control.



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How to Cite

أ. فاتـــــن محمــــد علــــــي أبوبكــــــر, أ. منيرة رزق محمد عبد الله, & د. فيروز علي ابوبكر بوعجيله. (2023). The effect of treatments to prevent coagulation of the milky substance at the base of the inflorescence, the perfusion, the preservation of the inflorescences in a vase on the life of the cut dahlia inflorescences and the loss in their fresh weight. Albayan Scientific Journal, (15), 57–46. Retrieved from