Design and Implementation of an Innovative Balun Configuration for Planar Antenna Use


  • Younus Mohammed Sirte University

الكلمات المفتاحية:

: balun planar lumped distributed even-odd mode


The main parts of balanced circuits, including push-pull amplifiers, balanced mixers, frequency multipliers, and antennas, are baluns. Due to the increased integration of most of these applications, baluns must be inexpensive and of small size. This research paper presents a novel method for designing planar baluns. The approach begins by examining a symmetrical 4-port network features an open-circuit termination on one port, utilizing both even and odd mode stimulations. The suggested balun, supported by comprehensive design equations, showcases a completely balanced output and excellent input alignment, with measurement outcomes aligning closely with the simulated values.


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كيفية الاقتباس

Mohammed, Y. (2024). Design and Implementation of an Innovative Balun Configuration for Planar Antenna Use. International Journal of Engineering Research, 3(1), 1–12. استرجع في من